
Jennifer Karen Oppong
Awareness and Community Engagement Lead.

Derrick Agyemang Aboagye
Research Specialist
The Cyber Intelligence and Security Aid Bureau (CISAB) is a non-governmental organization that is independent, neutral, and apolitical, and registered as Limited By Guarantee – LBG. We are staffed by multi-discipline expert volunteers that are committed to non-profit initiatives with the ultimate goal of combatting crime and creating a safer and more secure environment in Ghana. Our volunteers have expertise in a variety of fields, including cybersecurity, human security, serious and organise crime, nuclear and energy security, among others. We provide our assistance for the greater good of everyone in society for no fees,
While we aim to give accurate pro bono information and assistance to the general public, it is important to stress that such assistance is our expect advice to assit the general public but CISAB accepts no responsibility for any liability originating from reliance on the information given.
However, CISAB and its network of professional volunteers may be engaged as consultants, subject to their availability and capacity to assume such responsibilities. In these instances, consultants may be compensated for their services.